
Dokumentasi portfolio hasil karya siswa mitra sekolah dan kegiatan-kegiatan Sokrates.

Seminar Collaboration with Hypernet Technologies: Mengelola Bandwidth – Efisiensi Penggunaan Internet dalam Konteks Sekolah

Hybrid Seminar: Marketing Insight for School

Workshop Collaboration with Galva Technologies: Leadership in Digital Era & Technology Adoption

Batch 2: Roundtable Discussion about School Digital Transformation with President Director of BINUS School Education

Sokrates Project Portfolio

Un/Avaliable Teacher Workshop – Yayasan Penyelenggaraan Ilahi Indonesia

Smart School Workshop for Sekolah Masa Depan Cerah

Workshop Phyton: Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran (MGMP) TIK

Batch 1: Roundtable Discussion about School Digital Transformation with President Director of BINUS School Education

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